Past Life Regression Hypnosis
Past life regression therapy helps you connect to your past and your souls past on its journey through life times.
Recovering memories from previous lives helps you in this current life!
Past life regression has helped people to unlock trauma, ease anxiety, overcome phobias and fears
and even given context to illness and assist in overcoming difficulties they are living with today!
For others its purely an exploratory journey of curiosity, to enlighten a spiritual path they are on,
or to gain more awareness of themselves in this life time.
Are there blocks, limiting beliefs or
emotional residues you wish to resolve?
Even though regression takes a backwards journey to observe your past.
The experience is to connect you to be more present in this moment,
so that you can move forward to a better future
with more confidence, clarity and peace.
The journeys you take in past life regression have the intention
of bringing your awareness to a bigger picture
so you can connect to your future more grounded in your
feelings, emotions, body and all that you would like your future to be.
Here’s what you need to know:
If you’re new to hypnosis:
We start with a relaxing hypnosis to a peaceful state that's between waking and sleeping. it's similar to day dreaming. You don't have to try, to be or to do anything, you simply relax and focus on my voice, while being open with positive intention.
In hypnosis we access the subconscious so you remain aware and in control at all times.
First we may regress to a time within this current life and as we continue we regress to past lives.
If you've experienced hypnosis before?
You are probably already aware there are many styles of hypnosis, especially if you have already had hypnosis with me. For Past Live's we use regression therapy, It is similar to an experience
you may have had when regressing back to a past situation in this current life or
when we have regressed back to a younger version of yourself.
We simply continue to extend this journey all the way back to previous life times
Hypnosis is a relaxed and focused state that enables you to go beyond the conscious mind, we go into the subconscious, in to the memories and the wisdom it contains. You are not unconscious and together we simply access your subconscious which feels similar to day dreaming.
You stay in control and you can communicate in any way you want, plus you remember all that occurs.
If something significant comes up even while I'm doing the induction you can talk and let me know at anytime, even if I haven't asked a question. You have an open invitation to speak at anytime, this is all for you and all about you after all! So you can talk easily and freely while in hypnosis. This won't disturb your session, it is all positive and will allow the session to flow.
I will ask you questions so you can easily go deeper and information flows clearly as you visit the past experience.
People have different ways of experiencing hypnosis. Often it's like a movie playing out on a screen, meaning It could be mainly visual with scenes or images playing out for you to see. It could also be auditory meaning you may hear key phrase, or recall conversations or specific sounds from a place in time or even songs or languages. For some it can be more of a felt sense of knowing, feeling or experiencing emotions or remembering the feeling of touches. All or any of these are perfectly natural.
In a hypnotic state there is no need to edit, alter or analyse what you are truely experiencing, whatever it may be, You tell me simply and clearly what comes up and this guides your regression session so I can lead you on a journey with questions for your subconscious mind, always exploring the initial thought, scene, feeling or words that you experience.
Allow whatever comes up space to be there without judgement, there is no silly, wrong, impossible or contradictory impressions, simply let me know and we explore them to see where they take you on your past life journey.